Peacock - Belongs to the Pheasant Family, which is native to Asia and the African Congo Basin. Revered by many cultures and time periods throughout history.

Interesting facts:
Peacocks are not born with fancy feathers. Their development process starts around the age of 3.
Only male peafowls have ornamental feathers and use there train of #feathers in mating rituals. A peacock can flaunt upwards as 200 feathers on its tail at a time.
Peacocks show off there beautiful feathers mostly in spring during mating season, afterwards they start to shed their train every year after mating has finished.

Largest of the flying Birds, despite their heavy weight and long trains, the peacock manages to fly, but they only cover short distances.
#Peacocks can also run at 16km/hr speed which is pretty fast other than terrestrial birds
They make the loudest most unpleasant screeching sound, have 11 different tones to indicate weather changes.

Peacocks are typically friendly and are quite the social animal. They can interact with humans and once domesticated they can indulge in various games such as chasing one around.
Very social animal, usually happiest in large groups of 8-10 birds.
when a peacock shakes its tail they make a low pitched sound that the human ear can not perceive

Peacocks have many cultural values Christianity- represents everlasting life Babylonians- Symbol of the guardians Hinduism - Goddess Saraswati National Bird of India
The circular spot on the tail symbolize the eyes of God.
Also stands for Knowledge, Kindness, and Compassion.
People also believe that the white peacock is a barrier of eternal happiness.

Spiritual meanings of a peacock showing up, can mean, you're about to experience a #vision that will greatly affect your life and the direction you're going in.
you're safe and protected, so there's no need to worry, now is time to feel safe in speaking your truth rather than holding back.
use you're #dignity and integrity, so make a point to walk your talk and hold your head up high. #Peacock #Feathers #Spritualbirds